Fresh from the paddock

Students from Holy Name Primary School, Forster recently harvested fresh produce from their kitchen garden and donated it to Sue Abdoo and her team at CatholicCare’s Taree Community Kitchen.

Simone Maloney April 20, 2020

This marks the beginning of Holy Name’s commitment to regularly supply the community kitchen with fresh, organic produce.

The harvest included fresh pineapples, beans, herbs, bok choy, tomatoes and spinach. CatholicCare is planning a community kitchen for Forster too, so soon our produce will be used locally.

Holy Name kitchen garden was officially opened in 2014 and for many years has operated as a learning space where students participated in the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program. 

The commitment of support to CatholicCare’s Taree Community Kitchen program marks the beginning of a new purpose for the garden and our school community. The shift in direction has come about as we focus on supporting others in our wider community.

Our school motto is “Concern For Others” and our school charism is Mary MacKillop.

We are striving to see needs in our community and to do something about them, just as Mary MacKillop guided us to do. 

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