Nurturing experience

To celebrate World Teachers Day, the Catholic Schools Office shares some personal reflections from those working in our system. These stories highlight the positive impacts of a Catholic education – its influence on the careers of the contributors, and the profound effect for future generations.

Brent Lilley October 30, 2020
Nurturing experience Image

Brent Lilley, Secondary Teacher at St Joseph's High School, Aberdeen.


My involvement with Catholic education is now in its second decade, having spent 10 years as a student and now two as a teacher. It has enabled me to gain a diverse understanding of the way in which Catholic schools carry out their practice and mission. 


Catholic education has been a major influence in shaping my views of the world and encourages deep personal introspection. It provides a challenging yet nurturing experience in a cultivating environment that supports individuals to be the best person they can be.


I cherish the opportunity to work as a teacher in Catholic education, a vocation that has provided the rewarding opportunity to change the lives of young people in a meaningful way. It is my belief that the Gospel values taught in Catholic education shape students with the character to lead positive and fulfilling lives.  


To explore current teaching positions within the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle please click here.



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