Payback in kind is invaluable

Kindness is the true currency of humanity and each year, the Year 6 Mini Vinnies team from St Mary’s Primary School, Warners Bay, team up with the Warners Bay St Vincent de Paul Chapter to do meaningful and “kind” work.

Liz Starling July 31, 2020

This year, students participated in Kind July, a Stay Kind initiative formerly known as the Thomas Kelly Youth Foundation. Stay Kind is a movement advocating and actively promoting acts of kindness in homes, schools, workplaces, sport, on the streets and online.

At St Mary’s, we follow the example of Jesus and show kindness to all. Our St Mary's Vision is to “learn together and enrich lives”.

Giving enriches the giver as well as the receiver. We know we have been blessed in many ways and want to share these blessings with others for the good of all in the community. All students, staff and parents are encouraged to give what they can during Kind July.

The St Mary’s community embraced the opportunity to give in many ways. For four weeks, all students, parents and staff selflessly donated essential items such as food and toiletries. Donations were packed into hampers and given to those in need in our local community.

Additionally, St Mary's students and staff participated in a Winter Woollies Day, wearing a selection of colourful scarves, beanies and gloves to raise $500 for the COVID-19 Appeal. We regularly prayed for the health and wellbeing of all in our community.

At St Mary's, we are being kind to others and ourselves. This is on display when we:

Each and every one of us benefits when giving or receiving an act of kindness.

“If every Australian did one act of kindness a day for the month of July, that would be 775 million acts of kindness in Kind July (and 9.3 billion acts of kindness every year).” (Stay Kind website)

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