Funds raised helped community projects in Cambodia

A group of 16 students and teachers from across the Diocese ventured to Cambodia on a 12-day Immersion Tour.

Monique Lloyd January 24, 2019

The group included staff from St Mary’s Primary School, Scone, St James’ Primary School, Muswellbrook, St Joseph’s Primary School, Denman, St Joseph’s Primary School, Merewether and students from St Joseph’s High School, Aberdeen.

Prior to the trip, various events to help raise over $23,000 to support a number of community projects in Cambodia. This money helped to pay for:

The tour gave attendees the opportunity to experience a new culture while also helping to make a difference in the lives of people in Cambodia.

The group visited a number of villages and schools during their visit including Chum Kiri Village in Kampot Province, Kohsla Village and the local preschool and high school student accommodation, the Peace Village in Takeo Province which also encompasses a special needs school for students with severe disabilities and a preschool, St Francis’ High School in Takeo Province, Koh Prak Primary School and Pagoda, Kroch Char Village, the Stepping Out Half Way House, Sim’s School and Sochea Ne’s Primary School in Siem Reap and Un Long Thom Village on Kulen Mountain.

Handing out school supplies, everyday essentials, valuable equipment and more to the students and community of each destination, the trip certainly provided some unforgettable memories and life changing for all of those involved.

A big thank you also goes out to all of those who help support the fundraising efforts that allowed such donations to be possible.

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Funds raised helped community projects in Cambodia Image 1.
Funds raised helped community projects in Cambodia Image 2.
Funds raised helped community projects in Cambodia Image 3.
Funds raised helped community projects in Cambodia Image 4.