St Joseph’s Lochinvar’s TAS faculty offers a flexible and modern approach

The Technology and Applied Sciences (TAS) faculty at St Joseph’s College, Lochinvar, offers students a career launch pad.

Julie Elliott April 27, 2018

Offering a wide range of electives for Year 9 and 10, students have the opportunity to study Industrial Technology - Engineering, Industrial Technology - Metal, Industrial Technology - Timber and Food Technology, as well as Textiles Technology and Agricultural Technology.

Year 7 classes cover a range of technology-specific content related to Food, Plant Production, Graphics, Information, Textiles and Timber Technologies.

A growing interest

The TAS faculty continues to flourish at St Joseph’s, with multiple classes for Year 9 and 10 students in the fields of Industrial Technology - Metal and Timber.

St Joseph’s is one of the few schools in the diocese offering Industrial Technology - Engineering and boasts committed and talented workers who show a keen interest in furthering their skills in the industry.

Students undertaking Food Technology at St Joseph’s enjoy a wide range of experiences, studying everything from Australia’s food history, to the science behind food preparation and the numerous nutrition topics.

The college currently has multiple classes in Food Technology and students have the chance to demonstrate their cooking skills to the community during the college’s regular catering events.

Junior students in Food Technology are encouraged to further their learning in VET-Hospitality or Food Technology in their senior years.

Post-school Opportunities

Students who study TAS subjects at St Joseph’s are equipped with skills that prove valuable whether or not they choose to work in a related industry. Throughout their studies, students are encouraged to develop their organisational, fine motor, patience, problem solving, design, applied literacy and numeracy skills.

Both the theoretical and practical projects presented in TAS expose students to a wide range of experiences that allow them to work through the design and making process and gain an insight into potential post-school career paths.

Subjects such as Industrial Technology or Food Technology are a great launch pad for students looking for apprenticeships in technical trades. TAS subjects are also a great foundation for students who wish to progress to university to study in areas such as Food Science and Nutrition, Design and Marketing, Engineering or Nursing.

Flexible and modern facilities

The modern TAS facilities at St Joseph’s are architect-designed to give Food and Industrial Technology students the best learning experience possible.

The college’s new MacKillop Place building, which houses a café, industrial kitchen and a modern Food Technology kitchen, features up-to-date appliances and is equipped with a full range of tools for student use.

The unique design of the Food Technology kitchen allows for flexible and collaborative learning, with the moveable stainless steel benches allowing students to change their configuration as needed.

The two food preparation kitchens contain cameras and televisions allowing students to view teacher demonstrations, video and review their own work and view teaching materials on the Internet.

The café is not only a wonderful meeting space for students, but gives them the opportunity to undertake barista training and learn valuable retail skills.

The college’s Trade Training Centre in the Ambrose Joseph building allows students in Years 7 to 11 to undertake a variety of timber and metal projects. Each workshop is connected to machine bays and large undercover work areas, giving teachers the flexibility to design learning activities that may not be possible in more traditional workshop situations.

With access to a large range of industry standard hand tools, power tools and machines, the building also contains two well-resourced graphics rooms which are used by students and teachers for theory lessons in a range of TAS subjects.

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