St Mary’s Campus has modified the way it delivers mathematics lessons and homework to students.
With traditional teaching methods, explanations and basic skills are generally practised in the classroom, with any remaining work normally set for homework.
This often results in students going home with the more challenging questions, which they may struggle to complete without teacher assistance.
By utilising a flipped classroom approach, teachers at St Mary’s Campus create short videos for students to watch at home. These videos enable students to prepare notes and practise basic mathematical skills before entering the classroom.
In their lessons, students will then focus on practising more demanding problem-solving skills and tackling more challenging questions. This allows them to apply the knowledge they’ve prepared and practised at home with guidance and support.
Teachers of All Saints’ College also conduct tests on each mathematics module covered and then email the results to parents for discussion. Within all topics, HSC questions are implemented and students practise examination techniques regularly to prepare them thoroughly for their final exams.
As a result of using the flipped classroom method, student outcomes in mathematics at St Mary’s Campus have shown signs of improvement.
The number of students being taught in higher level courses increased, student anxiety levels have decreased and students are completing more questions on their examination papers.
In 2017, nine All Saints’ College students achieved a Band 6 in Mathematics across four different courses.
As well as creating video content for students to view at home, All Saints’ College, St Mary’s Campus, also utilises OneNote to aid collaborative learning and share resources easily among staff and students.