There was a vibe of energy, enthusiasm and excitement earlier today when students met new teachers and made new friends when they started at schools throughout the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle.
Although a few tears may have been shed, it didn’t wipe the grins off the faces of most as they entered the school gates for the first time. Lunch boxes packed, shoes polished and school bags on backs, students were buzzing with excitement!
Helen Whale, the Principal at St Joseph’s Primary School, Merriwa said, "We had many excited and happy students return to their school today. Cricket bats and tennis rackets returned to the playground and stories were abundant about long, hot summer holidays. All students settled quickly into their classrooms which were decorated by teachers and students on Belonging Day last week."
Up the road at St Joseph’s Primary School, Denman, Principal Aaron Moon said, “Students were so excited to catch up with their friends and explore the new parts of the playground including the outdoor classroom and the boat run around the dry creek bed.”
It is an exciting time for all students in our schools as they begin a new chapter in their lives.
We wish them all the best for the year ahead!
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