Students from St Joseph's learn to save lives

Since 2014, the school community at St Joseph’s Primary School, Denman, have been making CPR lessons for Years 3 to 6 a priority.

Aaron Moon July 13, 2017

We see this as a vital skill that students must have in case of an emergency.

Mrs Helen Notley from the Royal Surf Life Saving association visited St Joseph’s during Term 2 to teach the students basic resuscitation skills.

We do this, as we see this is ‘real education’ that could become a lifesaving skill for our students.

Research from Flinders University (2013) states that, “Bystander CPR actually improves the patient’s life. The premise that doing something - even if it is not perfect - is better than doing nothing when it comes to resuscitation.”

During the lesson Mrs Notley taught the students the same DRSABC CPR principals as adults, which are:

The students were engaged in this session and understood the importance of learning this skill effectively.

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Students from St Joseph's learn to save lives Image 2.
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Students from St Joseph's learn to save lives Image 4.