225 hashtags leads to a win for St Catherine’s

This year, students from St Catherine’s Catholic College, Singleton brought home a win in The Land’s #SchoolsOnShow social media competition at the Sydney Royal Show.

Joanna Towers May 04, 2017

The Land competition was a fun and creative addition to the regular events of the Show, where 17 students of the cattle show team demonstrated strong team work and enthusiasm.

The aim of the competition was to highlight our school’s achievements at the Show by posting as many photos as possible using the #SchoolsOnShow on social media. As a result, the school with the most posts won.

Showing great initiative and team spirit, a group of students created a public Instagram page, @stcathscattleteam, where each member of the cattle team along with teachers and parents could post photos during the Show. The students were also responsible for monitoring 20 other schools in the competition to ensure they were ahead.

With an impressive 225 photos posted, St Catherine’s were successfully named the winning school.

We received a prize worth $500, consisting of one tonne of stock feed from a local supplier, Alexander Downs, located in Merriwa.

During the seven days of the show, St Catherine’s students entered all competitions with high standards and confidence. While two primary students competed in the Junior Paraders class, the school was also selected to participate in the Grand Parade.

The cattle show team took five steers to Sydney Royal this year where they achieved outstanding results throughout the Show.

Our Angus steer, Snoop, placed second in his class, along with our Hereford steer, Rusty making the top three steers of his breed in the Hereford Stan Hill team. Our Charolais steer, Basil who was raised on the school farm also made an appearance.

Attending the Royal is a wonderful privilege for the students. They gain skills of team work, patience, initiative and excellent communication. Students also benefit from their achievements where they share a sense of pride, team spirit, friendship and happy memories with their peers.

Some students also had the privilege of networking with cattle studs to line up future work prospects.

The next stage of competition will see the St Catherine’s cattle show team prepare their steers for the Beef Bonanza in October.

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