Growing in Harmony

Students and teachers of St Paul's Primary School, Rutherford created a beautiful whole school mural to celebrate Harmony Day.

Michelle Philpott March 28, 2017

The theme for Harmony Day, ‘Everyone belongs’, inspired our teacher librarian, Mrs Philpott to organise a fun event for the day where each class would paint their hand and create a flower garden.

Mrs Philpott painted the garden background and flower stems ready for the day. Then, one by one, each class chose the colour of their flower and pressed their hands as the petals.

Each flower represents each class in the school. The students loved getting their hands dirty and creating their own unique flower.

We now have this wonderful mural to hang and enjoy in our playground to remind us daily that we are all growing together in harmony.

It is a beautiful thought that every child has left their own heartfelt and unique mark today, as they will look back on it in years to come and reminisce about the wonderful experience.

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