Wellness Week at St Joseph's

St Joseph's Primary School, Denman, have continued their tradition of Wellness Week this term with activities promoting student and teacher wellbeing. 

Aaron Moon March 15, 2017
Wellness Week at St Joseph's  Image

Research indicates that Week 7 and 8 of each term are the weeks where many students and staff become sick and run down. Wellness week is a time for us to discuss mental wellbeing and to promote the importance of looking after our minds as well as our bodies. As adults it is important for us to model to children ways of nurturing our mental health.

As part of Wellness Week students complete no homework, other than home reading. Wellness Week is a time where families can slow down and use the time to interact more and participate in relaxing and enjoyable activities. Families are encouraged to get outside and play a game or go for a walk to the park. It's a time where we can also clear our minds from the busyness of life and enjoy the act of simply being present in the moment with our loved ones.

Staff also have no meetings for the week as it is also a chance for them to refresh and get active.

As part of Wellness Week this term we have one of our parents sharing her knowledge of Energy Medicine with the teachers and students, they will be working with each class this week to teach a daily energy routine.

The energy routine is designed to bring about calmness and clarity of thought by using grounding and centering techniques.

There are many more benefits from doing the exercises such as- 

St Joseph's will continue our Wellness Week program every term in Week 8 for the remainder of 2017. 

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