St Patrick’s students show off ukulele skills

On October 21, students from St Patrick’s Primary School, Swansea, showcased their musical talents at the third Bi-Annual Newcastle Ukulele “Newkulele” Festival at Newcastle Jockey Club.

Peter Green October 28, 2016

Elvis Presley, ACDC and Freddie Mercury were among a number of artists who featured at the festival, where the St Patrick’s Swansea ukulele ensemble performed a 20-minute show which included such classics as Hound Dog, Long Way To The Top and We Will Rock You.

The St Patrick’s ensemble included Paige, Mikayla, Sophie, Jack, Jye, Lucas and Paddy who all received a stirring round of applause after each song.

Our thanks to our music teacher, Alina Brymora, and our school secretary, Bronwyn Sartori, who prepared our group for its first public performance.

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