Community Promotes "Conversations About Catholics"

For a second year the parish and school communities of St John Vianney, Morisset, have participated in the “Conversations about Catholics” program during the first four weeks of Lent, coinciding with the beginning of term.  

Tracey Edstein March 02, 2016

Each year it has been the parents of the incoming Kinder children who have been the focus of this initiative.

The first gathering held in the Callinan Centre was focused on ‘Who we are’ and ‘Why we are here’ as participants heard each other’s personal faith journey. It is this shared conversation that raises questions, with responses from one or other of the group, be it Leadership Team Member, Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) participant, the school’s Pastoral Care Worker or previous participants in Conversations about Catholics.  It’s a very informal gathering over a cuppa!

In the second week, everyone gathers in the church to explore together areas not often seen by a parishioner, a behind-the-scene look at vestments, sacred vessels, liturgical books and so on. A ciborium and chalice were just two of the sacred vessels introduced into the conversation. Such a conversation helps ‘cradle Catholics’ too, not always familiar with the intricacies of church language.

One participant shared a family conversation. “My sons were asking about the cross and it wasn’t until I thought about it....I realised and explained that a cross with Jesus' image on it is called a crucifix, otherwise it's a cross."

The Parish of Morisset has no resident parish priest but is well served by a highly committed and active leadership team. Team member John France said, “We are fortunate to have committed volunteers who are willing to help fellow parishioners grow their faith. It is in sharing that we deepen our own understanding.”

To learn more about the Catholic faith, visit the diocese website.

Ciborium: vessel, usually metal, to hold consecrated hosts ie the Blessed Sacrament or Body of Christ.
Pyx: small metal container used to carry the consecrated host to the sick or housebound.
Paten: shallow dish on which the consecrated host rests during Mass.
Chalice: vessel, usually metal, which holds the consecrated wine ie the Blood of Christ, during Mass.

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