THE WAY WE WERE: Commemorating 1000 years of Christianity

An invitation was published in the August 1966 Maitland Diocese’s Catholic Sentinel to commemorate 1000 years of Christianity in Poland.

Suzanne Martin December 07, 2016

The accompanying article states that in 966 Mieszko I, the Polish ruler, was baptised a Christian.

Three stained glass windows were installed in what was formerly the Baptistry of the Sacred Heart Church, Hamilton, and a picture of Our Lady of Czestochowa was also placed in the 'chapel'.

Many Polish people had come to Newcastle and the Hunter Valley after World War ll and in 1966 Poland was a Communist country.

Today, just over 50 years after this event, Poland is free, and on the right side of the entrance doors to Sacred Heart Cathedral (as it is now) this room remains − with its stained glass windows, Our Lady of Czestochowa and other devotional items − a place of quiet prayer and contemplation.

There is a Polish Mass in the Cathedral every Sunday.

To learn more visit Maitland Diocese Catholic Sentinel, 1 August, 1966, “Sacred Polonaise Millennium” on Trove.

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