Anticipating May <i>Aurora</i>

The May edition of Aurora will appear as an insert in The Newcastle Herald on Saturday 5 May and then in The Maitland Mercury, The Singleton Argus, The Manning River Times and The Scone Advocate on Wednesday 9 May and in The Muswellbrook Chronicle on Thursday 10 May.

Tracey Edstein April 30, 2018
Anticipating May <i>Aurora</i> Image

The magazine can also be read online at MNnews – your source for local Catholic news in the Hunter. If you would like Aurora post to you, subscriptions are available here.

The May Aurora features a story from the country about an important decision for fifth generation dairy farmers, as well as the views of a number of young people during the Year of Youth. In My Word, Bishop Bill shares something of his recent experience in Papua New Guinea. This is complemented by a report from the Australian Catholic Social Justice Council on the dire situation in West Papua.

Sr Hilda Scott osb writes exclusively for Aurora under the banner of “Wisdom in the Square” while Judith Lynch asks, “Are you a Sophia woman?” All this and so much more in the May Aurora!

Finally, please share an image of yourself or someone you know on Instagram, reading Aurora in a favourite spot and don't forget to tag @MNnewstoday.