Voting with a conscience
As we face the polls later this month you might already be thinking of simply ticking the first box on the ballet paper and not about much else.
Perhaps you are disillusioned with the current state of politics in our country, disappointed with the direction we are heading in and, in the ‘leaders’ before us. As such, like me, you might be more actively channel surfing to avoid yet another election ad or campaign speech. I hear your pain.
The Church can’t tell you who you should vote for. However, every person of faith- regardless of their faith, has a responsibility to inform their own conscience.
Conference to be led with 'a great pastoral heart'
Maitland-Newcastle Diocesan Administrator, Fr Greg Barker, has welcomed news that the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference elected Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB as president of the Conference and re-elected Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP vice-president.
Plenary Council - Walking in the Spirit
“For more than four years, we have sensed the power of prayer and the presence of the Holy Spirit in the work of the [Plenary] Council. As we move towards the development, consideration and approval of key proposals to renew the Church in Australia, the need for prayer has never been greater."
National Volunteer Week 2022: Better Together
National Volunteer Week is Australia’s largest annual celebration of volunteers. Volunteering brings people together; it builds communities and creates a better society for everyone.
A reflection on the International Ignatian Eco-spiritual Conference
500 years ago, Iñigo López de Oñaz y Loyola, the vain, hedonistic and ambitious son of a minor feudal Lord was injured in a regional conflict. His long recovery from this injury was also the start of a complete reorientation of his life.
Australian Catholic Bishops call for ‘a better kind of politics’
Australia’s Catholic bishops have called for a shakeup that focuses the country’s politics on the common good of all, including – and especially – those who struggle to participate in the community.
Assistance with Settlement Services International for accommodation for families from refugee backgrounds
Settlement Services International (SSI) assists newly arrived refugees to resettle in Newcastle through the Humanitarian Settlement Program (HSP).
Discover the Diocese's new app!
The Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle is delighted to announce the launch of our new mobile app for smartphones and tablets! The new app is our latest innovation in staying connected with people across the Diocese. Mass times, news, events, and parish giving, are now right at your fingertips.