Holy Family share a welcoming message

Students in Year 5 and 6 at Holy Family Primary School, Merewether Beach, last week submitted their own ‘Welcome’ posters as part of a Behind the News student activity.

“The students are avid watchers of current affairs programs, so ABC program “Behind the News” has become one of their favourites,” said Year 5 teacher, Jane Dougherty.

The weekly program recently asked students around Australia to design and submit ‘Welcome’ posters that will be presented in a book to refugee children.

The aim of the book is to make the refugee children feel welcome, show them our favourite places and things we like to do in Australia.

“We felt this was important to be involved in this project because we couldn’t imagine how these children must feel, leaving everything they’ve known and loved to live in another country,” said, Mrs Dougherty.

Students submitted their works last Friday and look forward to seeing their artworks as part of the national project.

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Amanda Skehan Image
Amanda Skehan

Amanda Skehan was the Marketing Team Leader for the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle and a regular contributor to Aurora and mnnews.today.